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Everything posted by cons8792

  1. Is there a way to transfer or copy craft files you’ve created between various saves on Xbox? I’m fairly new to the game but don’t see this functionality unless I’m missing something. Thanks for any help!
  2. I can’t attach the fins to advance further in this tutorial. I saw some old posts regarding this but didn’t see a fix. I’m a anyone else still experiencing this and have you found a fix for it?
  3. Having the same issue with not being able to place find on Xbox. I’m guessing these folks don’t care enough to fix it despite tossing the game up to GamePass for that many other people to get ultimately frustrated enough to give up on it. I know KSP2 is coming which may explain the Gamepass decision as they want some free exposure to sell the new game off of but if no one can even get through your tutorials, I doubt you’re going to sell many KSP2 licenses with that approach. I was going to bite on it but sure as hell won’t of this is the level of commitment (or lack therof) they have for console players. If you’re not going to support it so it’s playable on console…JUST DONT MAKE A CONSOLE VERSION!! Hours of frustration but I’m guess glad I’m not the only one.
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