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Posts posted by anon641

  1. I'm getting weird shadow or z-fighting issues, but neither city lights nor Scatterer are behind it. I already had all my city lights disabled since I prefer going without them, and reinstalling Scatterer and checking that "merge depth pre pass" was False as suggested in the OP didn't resolve it. In fact, even when Scatterer and EVE are uninstalled entirely I still see the issue. Also, it's not limited to bodies that could have city lights; when I checked my Minmus base I was still getting the artifacts.

    Any idea what it might be?

    And a separate issue, but it also seems to be causing a memory leak. When I try to go back from KSC to the main main my VRAM fills up until into overflows into system memory. It hit 45GB by the time I killed it, not including the 16GB VRAM, and even after killing the game with Ctrl-Alt-Esc (since Alt-F4 wasn't doing it) my system is reporting nearly 25GB of RAM use beyond what shows up in Top's list of processes. The artifacts happen with both 1.3.1 and 2.0.6, but the memory leak only happens post V2.

    Edit: Just tested a fresh install, fresh save, and no mods except Parallax and its pre-reqs. Still getting flickering triangles.

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