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Everything posted by Coldwarrior

  1. In Part II, I'll discuss other features of Weav-Con's Duna Proving Ground (DPG). The primary reason for the DPG is to demonstrate Thermonuclear Missile Launch Systems off-Kerbin. (1st Image) The second image shows a successful launch from a Gen-I Above Ground Silo. Images taken with Weav-Con Camera Rig.
  2. While sitting in a Physical Therapy rehab facility...for a couple of weeks...I concocted the notion of a Proving Ground on a plain of Duna. But what to test? ICBMs was the answer...of course. After hours of trial & error...plus 8 or 9 "easing in" operations...Duna Proving Ground officially opened for business. To capture photographic data...the Kerbals at Weaver Consolidated Industries (Weav-Con) developed a Multi-Instrument Camera Rig . The rig has 4 Webb Telescopes mounted on it...and it will swivel 360 degrees. Among the systems tested at the Proving grounds are the "Fast Eddie ICBM Refurb System"...a joint venture with RSR. The second image shows the successful launch of a refurbed Minuteman V ICBM.
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