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Posts posted by DeviouslyDeviant

  1. I got no idea if this has been proposed already or planned to be added at some future time, but I've got an idea for a simple addition to the Skylab wetlab, based on some concept art and diagrams (see spoilers for reference) I've seen online.

    I tried to replicate the design in-game with the latest dev version, but was surprised to learn that I couldn't pull it off without the LAM adaptor doors blocking all the docking ports.

    How hard would it be to add a variant of the Lunar Module adaptor doors that makes them swing back entirely, meeting the upper half of the S-IVB stage and giving enough room for spacecraft and additional modules to dock? Has this already been considered or am I the first to throw this idea out? I'm not all that willing to mess with the files myself, as I wouldn't know where to begin and don't want to risk breaking what's has become one of my favourite KSP mods.

    Also, I've only just started messing around with the Apollo parts in my current campaign, so please forgive my ignorance of how they all work. :P







  2. Hello everyone! After a about half-a-year of not playing KSP I've decided to get back onto the forums after seeing the potential of the 0.22 update :):cool: I kinda need some ideas for my space program, gimme some nice mods to use!

  3. I have a few pony flags, and I'm working a converting* a few more.




    *I say converting because I don't actually make any of the flags, just shrink them down to the right size.

    Huh. Looking at it now, I have mostly Luna flags. I'll need to find some Celestia ones to balance it out.

    Hahahaha chubbie flag

  4. Scott Manley had a video about the Duna burn, and I believe he said the math works out to about 50-degrees (could be wrong ... not in a position to hear his explanation at the moment).

    I think he explains it in one of the parts of this series:

    He also has a good Moho video here:

    Scott Manley has some great content :D

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