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Everything posted by harryloud

  1. Hi there, great mod btw. i was just gona ask a question. with due corse could you maby try to impliment a option for the leading edge of the wing to become an air intake? It would provide next to no lift and be mostly structural. I dont know if this would be hard or not but i think it would be a very nice feature to have. an example of this is the wing root in the hawker hunter and the de haviland venom. Thanks
  2. [quote name='MeCripp']Give this a try [url]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/help/FlatTest.zip[/url] I couldn't load your blender file but then again, I'm running a beta test of unity 5 on linux so not sure what you are doing wrong. EDIT- There is 3 different test MU and a blender file you can try and load hope it helps.[/QUOTE] Apreciate it mate, will try now, Thank you so much it works like a charm, what did you do to make this work? [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [quote name='Stone Blue']If you are using Blender, have you tried following Part 4 of this: [url]http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/140211[/url][/QUOTE] No but will it make a difference? [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. hi there. for the past few days i have been trying to create a new part. i am new to modding. i have tried everything over and over again and it simply will not load into ksp. i was wondering if one of you geniuses could hep me out. [url]https://www.dropbox.com/s/rtmxcl0zkb7qtas/Flat.rar?dl=0[/url] this is the link to my folder currently. Export = is my final thingy parts = contains my different parts. (.blender is located here) part-tools = part tools Project = my unity project (.unity is located in assets) resources = contains my .dea and .dds file texture = png of texture Thanks guys i would realy appreciate it if you could help out. if you need to ask anything just say the word.
  4. Hi i am here to report a bug. i have been having it recently. whenever i create a wing of any kind my CoL is always off center, either right or left. it seems the more wing i add the more severe this problem becomes. great mod btw. it only seems to happen to pwings. https://photos-6.dropbox.com/t/2/AAD4xcmDhixsUAPVXSv-Q1TNKxb-IMV4L5lwm13eDcDogg/12/70397275/png/32x32/1/_/1/2/KSP%202015-06-26%2017-58-05-33.png/CNvayCEgASACIAMgBCAFIAYgBygBKAI/CkkuHuttJxmwLymV1dGZsqYT2JdxwKqLp2GDHF8P0G4?size=1600x1200&size_mode=2 for reference with stock wings https://photos-1.dropbox.com/t/2/AAAqfZbgDC_Ipth3owipuE0BD544ba3e8UO_3epm_bBktw/12/70397275/png/32x32/1/_/1/2/KSP%202015-06-26%2017-59-24-51.png/CNvayCEgASACIAMgBCAFIAYgBygBKAI/bj1SdncbkAL6FgKWqWulB2HU6WTgIm_2lX_Y5rGKZTU?size=1600x1200&size_mode=2 b9 pwings https://www.dropbox.com/s/1cwcpiy76ta30r5/ModuleManager.ConfigCache?dl=0 config file https://www.dropbox.com/s/g76rr3mi8c6wlpn/output_log.txt?dl=0 output file thanks
  5. Hi i am here to report a bug. i have been having it recently. whenever i create a wing of any kind my CoL is always off center, either right or left. it seems the more wing i add the more severe this problem becomes. great mod btw. it only seems to happen to pwings. http://i.imgur.com/lE5T8Fz.png?1 for reference with stock wings https://i.imgur.com/dotMVIX.png?1 b9 pwings thanks
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