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Posts posted by skylifeplays

  1. On 4/14/2023 at 3:00 PM, Ghostii_Space said:

    Designing and tuning gameplay systems. ("How do players build colonies? What do we want them to manage? What actions do we want them to have?"

    How would we build colonies? would we start out with a core and expand it through resources or would we launch the parts as inflatable pieces?  How would they be able to interact with other colonies with timewarp?

  2. On 4/6/2023 at 3:09 AM, Lyneira said:

    Can you give an example of real-life interstellar travel concepts that use solar sails? I've been looking and while I found examples of lightsails powered by giant laser batteries from the home star system, I found nothing suggesting an interstellar trip is possible on the Sun's radiation alone.

    I mentioned that you would have to use lasers to accelerate whenever you get too far away from the star. you could also use the lasers for regular propulsion, but it would waste energy. NASA has been working on a solar sail demonstration craft since 2011 here: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/tdm/solarsail/index.html

  3. 8 hours ago, Nate Simpson said:

    Hello fellow Kerbonauts!

    Okay, we've got a date for the v0.1.2.0 patch - it'll arrive next Wednesday, April 12. We'll post patch notes on that day as well. There's a nice blend of performance, stability, UI, and visual improvements, and we think these add up to a significantly improved KSP2 experience. One unheralded improvement, in addition to the already-announced fixes - the nighttime lighting at KSC has taken a big step forward:


    Meanwhile, we're continuing to work on upcoming Science Mode features, re-entry and thermal systems, and of course ongoing improvements to performance and stability. We've also begun some investigations into improving the current wobbly rocket situation, and we should have more to discuss on that subject soon. 

    For today's Weekly Challenge, we're going to Eve! Until the future arrival of re-entry heating, you've got a great opportunity to do a little low-risk sightseeing (and if you visit after next Wednesday, you'll get to experience Eve's stunning new height fog, as well):


    Also, check out this week's burger-iffic Community Highlights post. So many amazing creations this week! There's also a new Tik Tok! 

    I'm heading out for a few days' rest in a place that has sunshine, which means next week's updates will be made by guest writers. Please be nice to them, but also don't be so nice to them that my bosses decide I shouldn't do the posts anymore. Please be medium nice to them.

    See you in two weeks! 



    Better performance? I am in. I hope the game can run at a better FPS than 3 when I look at the ground. keep up the good work!

  4. Even after about a four month experience with the original game before I got ksp2, I still do not understand how to rendezvous. I need help on understanding how to do it, because I feel like its a skill I have been lacking for a while now. I can do landing rendezvous easily, just got to get your craft's trajectory almost right next to the icon on the surface. However, orbital rendezvous seems... complicated. Could anyone give me a simple demonstration weather it be by video, image, or text? It would be a huge help.

  5. When i hear about realistic interstellar travel, I think about solar sails. This addition could also utilize lasers as propulsion away from sunlight, and use sunlight to move it when in range of a star. And of course a near infinite energy source comes at the expense of a very large craft, and a slow retraction speed when you want to slow down or stop. The thrust would be controlled by how far the sails are extended, the smaller the area, the less thrust.

  6. 56 minutes ago, Nate Simpson said:

    I suspect nuclear pulse will be next up, as it opens up the interplanetary progression quite nicely and is a good supplement to colony building.

    I wonder how the bombs would work. After all, nuclear bombs are not liquid. I could imagine you would have something like a rack with like 10 or 100 bombs that could be attached to metal frames or in a cylindrical form.

  7. On 3/24/2023 at 4:41 PM, Kerballlistic07 said:

    Two, will the system requirements change at all? Even a smidge? (Please say yes I'm begging)

    I think they already have, on minimum settings I can run the game on an RX 580 GPU at around 20 FPS average. that's half the minimum requirements of the first patch. I am sure that the minimum requirements will be lowered even further in the next patch. The only major optimization they need to do right now is with the planets. When I am look up at the sky, I run at 50-70 FPS, but when I look at the ground, it plummets down to 5-20 FPS.

  8. I got the game a few days ago and just figured out how the new maneuver node system works in the sequel. Is there any more tips anyone could give me (and other new players) on the game.  whether it be starter missions or tips to deal with bugs or changed features? Please note that I have had and played KSP1 since Febuary 2023 so I do know how basic orbital mechanics work and how to get encounters with other bodies.

  9. I personally feel like Dres had a recent collision with something like a large asteroid or object of some kind. It most likely ripped it apart with tidal forces. This would also explain some of the larger craters, as the formation of a ring would cause a lot of cratering due to small chunks of the newly forming ring falling to the surface from an unstable orbit.

    Another possible way is that it simply collected dust from its surroundings due to it being so far out.

    (side note - I honestly feel like geology & geography is really underused in ksp and I hope ksp2 science will introduce more anomalies and geological features.)

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