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Everything posted by Raiku_

  1. Hello everyone. I'm currently in a rather awkward situation after putting my first spacecraft into an orbit around Kerbin. Since i did have a crew pod along with the spacecraft that was to be deployed in said orbit, i'm now in the undesireable situation of having 3 Kerbals stuck aboard a crew pod in that same orbit. I know i made a huge mistake (but realized it too late). The mistake being the fact, that i've forgotten to add any engines to the crew pod mentioned earlier that would've enabled me to de-orbit that pod. So i've found myself with a crew pod that i'm not able to get back to kerbin. Any recovery craft i've built so far have faile by either flawed structural integrity or by simply falling short of the desired orbit and encounter point. If anyone has any kind of solution to this problem, that would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance. Edit: the capsule in question is just a capsule with an inflatable heat shield (which is deployed). Also, the orbit it is in (just like the spacecraft that was to be deployed) is elyptical with its apoapsis further away from Kerbin than the periapsis. Here's an image of the Orbit the pod is stuck on (yes, the 2nd orbit is the one, my recovery crew recently got stuck on)
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