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  1. the download thing doesent work.i think your fun pack looks pretty kewl though
  2. kewl ship :3.only problem i had is that i lost control of the first stage at like 4000m over.btw something stayed on the ground when i launched.the next stage lost control and kept spinning so i detatched.same thing until the last stage.farthest with your design.i was using sas for the whole flight to and using manual to try to get back if sas isnt enough.i dount have a mouse so i cant put sas on the starting thrusters.if you could make some eddits like none of the solids and only liquids since they are alot less heavy and deliver more power.and you can adjust the power so yeah .
  3. ooh thanks.to bad i have to wait for the new update so i can use - or + because i dont have a mouse but atleast i know now.thx
  4. how do you move your camera up/down when building and i mean move it not holding right mouse button and aiming up.it if impossible to make big ships if i can only make a size of 6 solids stacked ontop of eachother. btw-the game is great.only problem is the lag but its not to bad.i rate it a 5/5 stars.i could spend hours on end playing it
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