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Everything posted by theSAKman

  1. I'm running windows 10 home (64), i7-7700k, 16g ram, asus rog stix gtx 1080
  2. I have been trying to get KSP running on my pc again. I initially deleted it for space for other games but was wanting to get back into it because of the KSP2 hype. I have seen people post about this issue multiple times and all but maybe one was to do with mods. I have never downloaded any mods ever since I got KSP, I haven't even downloaded the expansions. I have reinstalled, verified game files, adjusted allocated memory, I have watched my memory as the game was loading and nothing is helping or giving me any indication to what the problem is. I have the log file which I will link below, but their is no crash report. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1M4QooZxesMbBGqk9pwXRogrsi8NyOqn2/view?usp=share_link
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