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  1. Just poking my head in here to see how progress is going. Are either initial game implementation or the registries complete yet?
  2. Hey, just wanted to check in and ask how porting the Connie Refit into the game is going, can't wait to get a hold of it for myself!
  3. This Maranda from STO has the Beta variant nacelles, maybe this would be something to aim towards?
  4. We need the Enterprise-A in there. Also I vote yes for phaser banks being added, at the very least put the yellow mount areas on, since there's a BDArmoury addon that adds the ball turrets. Also can I recommend maybe making the warp grills more of a purpleish blue? That or a more cyan colour. I don't think the current blue really works that well in comparison.
  5. Question: Since the original design for the refit was made with Saucer separation in mind (the two triangles falling away as part of it) are there any plans to implement that here?
  6. You and me both. The Connie Refit has to be one of the best looking ships in the franchise. The bright clean hull, the look of the nacelles, everything. So good.
  7. How is the refit looking at the moment? Looking back at the in progress WIPs you posted before, it looks like you've got the model done and just need to do the textures?
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