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Posts posted by Kikillervortlex

  1. Since KSP 2 was annouced (almost 4 years already!) I said to myself "do not play the 1" (I played it since before the 0.18), just wait 8 months to be sure to be really wanting to play the 2. Then there was delays, but at least there was news with very cool things like colony, high tech engine,... And then, after years of waiting I bought KSP 2, and it was just so many bugs, so low performance and so few content that I was unable to enjoy it...

    Now it looks like every week annoucement are slowly removing me the small hopes I managed to keep after the release... At first devs where looking like "OK, we have listened", and it is true, the first patch came relatively quickly and solved some bugs and improved performance also a little bit.  Then the second one came, more or less the same. And now "good news" the third one will be in June... I have lost most of my confidence that it will solve most of the issues, and the first true content (not just two news parts, I mean science, colony or even just heat) will come when? In 2024? 2025? Never?

    I have followed a lot of games in early access and this is not looking like one that had a team working on it for more than 4 years and a big publisher behind.  I tried to enjoy this game, I so now I cannot refund it because I have to many hours... (some where to do benchmarks for the community).

    The saddest things is that I do not want to play KSP 1 anymore due to all the hype I put in KSP2 during these years, and that was one of my favorite games


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