With Kerbal Space Program 2 making it's landing burn, I would like to take a moment to pay my respects to one of the greatest games out there. Kerbal Space Program was super realistic, but also managed to be one-hundred percent fun and engaging. It didn't matter if you failed. You still had fun. You felt...free. Free to explore the solar system, free to create morally questionable rockets and planes, and just...fly. The game first came out in 2011, and is still played by thousands today. No game could teach, yet also be fun like KSP. I honestly learned more orbital mechanics from KSP then anywhere else. I remember the day of my very first Mun landing...legendary. It almost brings tears to my eyes imagining a new generation of young rocket scientists, aspiring astronauts, or just people who love to watch rockets blow up. Now Kerbal Space Program 2 is on the verge of it's launch, and I think it's safe to say it is the most long-awaited space game in years. There may come a day when KSP 1 is just a forgotten, older iteration, but that day is not today. I raise a glass to you, KSP, and prepare for the launch of your newest form. I will never forget the memories we have made, and the memories we are about to make.