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Everything posted by bamarocks777

  1. he's just the best pilot. nothing else. he is the main commander and not what you said. he is more of an alan shepard
  2. Best thing to add would be the ability to select the Second Space Center for launch of rockets and the ability to have different launch towers for all of your rockets instead of just always using one. another thing would be the ability to move around freely in your capsule during an IVA. Maybe even also docking hahaha just kidding. I would like to see docking at around .20 instead of .18 or .19. LOL
  3. this was the coolest looking thing i've seen with stock parts. i used the wing connecters on mine but you gave me more ideas. love the space shuttle looking thing even though it looks more like a dream chaser. Good work
  4. he saved the livestream in an archive on his account
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