I built a station core and launched into space. I used the maneuver node to circularize my orbit. When I tried to enter a second maneuver node to fine tune my orbit, there is no yellow trajectory showing me the trajectory of my burn..
Started from scratch and repeated, same issue. Once this happens, I can not get a yellow maneuver trajectory for any craft in orbit. I revert to a saved game prior to launching the station core and I maneuver nodes work fine. I suspect the problem is related to the complexity (number of parts on the station core) Once this occurs in a game session/saved game file, nothing moving forward from that point helps (reloading quicksave, restarting, rebooting... Again, I started from scratch and built the same ship, launched, circularized, tried to adjust and no yellow path line again. It has something to do with 'the ship design, but once it occurs, it affects all ships.