Same, actually. With the 0,15 patch, I reinstalled most plugins, including this one, and decided to give it another try. Reduced the heavy strut and heavy decoupler. (Which, by the way, messed up a lot with it\'s crossfeed enabling. Disabled that, and maybe you should, too) Then I gave a new build a launch, with some hefty strutting and the black box , along with NovaPunch SRBs (What a coincidence). It behaves rather nicely now, which is interesting. Did something change in how the engine handles connections, this patch? Anyway, this pack has again climbed to the top of my favourites, right next to NovaPunch, as it\'s big, loud and scaled directly off the stock parts (With that working much better now). Took the Ceres to Minmus on the first attempt, with a delightfully overengineered rocket. Didn\'t think I cared much for the upper stage, but the Ceres is brilliant. The parachute heatshield is such a lovely touch, and it allows and works well with the launch escape tower. Now for setting down the cuttlefish.