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Everything posted by Mopy

  1. Explanation I have frequently encountered this bug within KSP 2's map view and I have realised how to fix it. The current problem, if you look from the tracking station is that your craft is described as "landed" instead of orbiting, meaning that the game has no reason to display a orbital trajectory. This can be seen in the save file when the craft's situation is described as "Landed" as the situation under "vesselState". "speedMode": "Orbit", "autoSpeedMode": "Orbit", "altimeterMode": "GroundLevel", "autopilotMode": "Retrograde", "autoPilotState": true, "isKerbalEVA": false, "isRCSEnabled": false, "flightControlsMode": "Normal", "actionGroupStates": null, "PhysicsMode": "RigidBody", "currentTargetID": { "Guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "DebugName": null }, "launchLocation": "Launchpad_2", "SubVessels": [], "Situation": "Landed", "ControlState": "FullControl", "CommandModulesState": "None", "CurrentControlOwnerPart": { "Guid": "9e830c70-9d7b-45e5-a896-0e16f22d7994", "DebugName": null This problem can be fixed by chaing the situation to "Orbiting" "speedMode": "Orbit", "autoSpeedMode": "Orbit", "altimeterMode": "SeaLevel", "autopilotMode": "StabilityAssist", "autoPilotState": false, "isKerbalEVA": false, "isRCSEnabled": false, "flightControlsMode": "Normal", "actionGroupStates": null, "PhysicsMode": "Orbital", "currentTargetID": { "Guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "DebugName": null }, "launchLocation": "Invalid", "SubVessels": [], "Situation": "Orbiting", "ControlState": "FullControl", "CommandModulesState": "FullyFunctional", "CurrentControlOwnerPart": { "Guid": "8917d299-e9f1-4f6c-a9c6-d83933060e85", "DebugName": null } I and many others have faced this issue, I hope this can help.
  2. Thats not a great metric for viewing the utilisation of a GPU, it doesn't give a great picture on what the GPU is doing.
  3. I successfuly attempted a space shuttle mission and I drove my slightly mad. Overall a success. Except when a launch support decided to join us mid flight... Taking the wing with it...
  4. I could say a lot of things but honestly, amazing looking trees and water is what I am excited for.
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