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Player from CN

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  1. I am a member of China KSP community, for now no one is discussing about KSP2, almost all of us have go back to KSP1. I have to say we are totally disappointed about KSP2
  2. Spent 2 hours to land on Mun, due to in this short journey I met way so many bugs. Finally I have to do everything without SAS. After I landed on the Mun, I found my rover shucked in to my rocket. We paid a lot for KSP2, so I think private division should provide us a game to "play", not just use us as the free bug finder.
  3. Have been played this game for many years, and I still remember the first time I went to Mun by myself. And finally we are here- - 终于等到了这一天- -
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