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Everything posted by Knoxy_in_Oz

  1. Fully understand that it is early access but as it stands now I'm going to have to sit aside and wait some time before playing again. 4 hours in and it's not been pleasant. 1. Revert to Launch and Revert to VAB don't work from the Pause menu. The option to revert to Launch is the only thing selectable from the flight menu. This means reverting to Launch and then recovering as an only option to rollback. Painful. 2. When watching the ESA previewers playing a lot of fuss was made about the ability to set timewarp to 0 (pause) but still have full control of the game. This was beneficial in being able to manipulate manuever nodes while not needing to be pressured to do so quickly. This does not exist in this build and needs to be put back in ASAP. This is made even more problematic by issue #3... 3. Manuever nodes are just not great right now. You create a node, but then have to click on it to get the option to start manipulating. You have to then click off the node and onto the PE or AP to see what value your manuever has been mvoed to, then click back to the node to adjust. Repeating this more than once is a test of sanity. This makes quick noding impossible as it stands and is game breaking for me at least. 4. Quality of Life issue #1. When timewarping to a node the message states timewarp stopped due to proximity to celestial body. It should state that it has arrived at the node. Minor issue, but someone should have picked up on that in Beta. 5. The manuever node can sometimes be wildly incorrect. A node set to arrive in Kerbin's atmosphere at 25km, when exectued had the arrival at 120km. Missed it by that much. And no it wasn't because of an underburn. Everything ran smoothly, however it stated it was at 25km on the readout below the navball, but only as approaching the AP did it update to 120km. 6. Plane control surfaces seem glitchy. At one point all the control surfaces were "spazzing out" (no other way to describe accurately). In addition to this having a surface actually lift a plane seems much more difficult with the current build than in KSP1. Duplicating my builds for a lightweight nimble jet ends up with an uncontrolable mess. **edit** 7. I completely forgot the MOST important one. WHY IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS HOLY is there a Destroy option, without any safety check, right below Focus on the map screen. Every single person is blowing their ships up and killing Kerbals... At least add an are you sure checkpoint.
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