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Everything posted by AristotleBetta

  1. I would also really appreciate an official procedural tank designed to get a stage to a specified deltaV. I know some people enjoy using the lego block paradigm to construct things, but there isn't enough variety in the different sizes to focus in on a desired dV for a given stage. When placing such a tank, you'd have a minimum size under which the part cannot shrink. But then, any time a part is attached to the stage the tank is in, or a later stage, the part would recalculate its size to reach a dV for that stage that can be set in the UI. When other parts are attached, it'll update each procedural tank from the stage the part is attached to through to the first stage. If multiple procedural tanks exist in a stage, either it should evenly distribute procedural tank size to each, or maybe an advanced UI element to distribute say 25% to one, and 75% to another. I don't even think this functionality is available in KSP 1, but I'd love this. Barring this suggestion being done, can we at least get a procedural tank part that allows us to set a specific fuel tonnage so we can make more precise tank sizes? This is probably the biggest reason why I won't be putting hours into KSP 2 just yet, despite having bought it.
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