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  1. - Input menu action group 2 is actually action group 3 and action group 10 is action group 2 - Action Groups are seemingly empty when reverted back to VAB, when expanded all actions are there - All music settings (levels) and some graphical settings revert back to defaults after game restart - Feel like launch clams are broken, I have used them so much in KSP1 and here every time I launch my vehicle gets tilted a few degrees - While in vacuum (transferring from Kerbin to Minmus, SAS on, EC full, etc all seems normal) vehicle can't keep up orientation when burning with Labradoodle, even at sth like 10% thrust - Vehicle just destroyed itself (no explosion effect or anything) while in Minmus orbit, I was rather low but still rather safe distance from ground (still orbiting, not descending onto surface) I would say probably 10km above surface - Planet shine and sunlight flickering when orbiting kerbin, giving different light strenght values all over the place Hope somebody reads this
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