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Everything posted by Android089
Disclaimer: This is my first writing project. So any and all criticisms are going to be useful. I'm hoping to get one part out every week. This first adventure being maybe four parts long(?). The name of this thread will reveal its meaning in part 2... Announcer: And… launch in 3… 2… 1… launch off! Today we celebrate the first launch for the Kerbal Space Program. A program designed for the exploration of our solar system. The program takes new engineers from universities all over the world and lets them think, create, and share their ideas. The whole rocket you see streaking toward the sky was made by these kerbals. This project strives to create peace and prosperity across all of kerbin. Today is the simple first step, a communication satellite. Tomorrow who knows… 1 year later: Announcer: And here we are, 1 year after our first launching. Today is a landmark, for today we will watch as three kerbals ascend into the sky. These three brave kerbals are: Johngan, the commander of this mission, Carfrid, the co-pilot and second in command, and lastly Doodfrey, a new recuit specializing in geology. They won’t just stop in orbit though; this mission will take them all the way to the mun. Today they dock with the orbiting KSS or Kerbal Space Station, which was sent up just 4 months ago, for refueling. Tomorrow they head to the mun. Johngan: Check systems again. I want a full report to send back to headquarters when we dock. Doodfrey send the following message to KSS. “We are on course, expect rendezvous in one hour. There is a slight error on our landing engine, the gimble is not working. Our onboard gyros and RCS are enough to control the ship, but expect a longer stay than planned. End message.†Corfrid: Simple systems check is done, everything nominal, except for the engine that is. Johngan: Good, start on the in-depth check. That should occupy us for at least a little while until we get to the station. Doodfrey: I’m so excited; this will be the first landing on the mun. We will be making history. I can’t actually believe it… Johngan: Stay on topic Doodfrey. I want this mission to go smoothly with no life threatening bugs... ...But yes, it is very exciting. -An hour later- Pilot: Double check our course Carfrid. Prepare docking thrusters. Doodfrey open com relay to KSS. Doodfrey: Done sir. Johngan: This is KSP Rapter broadcasting to KSS. Do you read me? KSS: This is KSS we read you. We have prepared docking port beta for your arrival. Please adjust course. Johngan: Roger that KSS. See you soon. Johngan: Alright, our gimble is repaired, our tanks are full. We are ready for mun transfer burn. Window is opening in 11 minutes. Phew, just enough time. Seal the airlock and undock. Fire RCS thrusters and stabilize orbit 500 meters away from KSS. Prepare main engine. Doodfrey take a picture of Kerbin to send to the media. They like getting pictures from us up here, and this angle just seems too perfect. Begin 10 minute countdown to main engine ignition. Johngan: And fire main engine. Shutdown engine when we reach set mun encounter. Doodfrey keep an eye on those fuel levels. I want to make sure we aren’t using any more than we have too. Corfrid: Mun encounter met. Shutting down engine. Johngan: Good job men. This is going just as planned. -At circulization burn- Johngan: Alright, begin circulization burn. Keep track of that engine; I want to see how it handles after those repairs. It would make landing easier if we had that gimble. Corfrid: Gimble seems to be working. RCS is currently off, burn finished in 3… 2… 1… and burn is done. Stable orbit achieved. Now we just have to wait until we are above our landing position. Johngan: Alright, I want another in-depth check done again. This landing is by far the most dangerous part of the mission and I won’t have anything go wrong. Doodfrey: I’m getting the first look at our landing position. There seems to be a blank spot on the scanners. I recommend doing anther orbit so I can get a good reading on this. Johngan: Alright, we will prep for landing after one orbit. Doodfrey: Hmmm… I’m still not getting a reading. It’s probably just a bug in the scanner, or maybe the scanner doesn’t pick up whatever mineral is in that area. Either way Ill send this data to mission command, maybe someone there will know what it means. Johngan: Did the in-depth check find anything wrong with scanners? Corfrid: In-depth check isn’t done yet. Simple check says everything is nominal. Johngan: Hmm… I’m shifting the landing position a few kilometers north. Just enough so the rovers will be able to go and check out what’s going on there. Correction burn in 3… 2… 1… Corfrid begin landing operations. Corfrid: Roger that. Johngan: Begin low thrust landing procedure in 3 minutes. Corfrid: In-depth check is done. All systems working. No bugs detected… Message coming in from KSC. Message reads: “This is KSC; we received your data showing the blank spot on your scanner. We w**t yo* *o r*set *ou* l***in* p*s***on. “ It appears the file was corrupted. Ill ask them to resend it. Johngan: Negative, we are headed to the dark side of the mun. Contact with KSC will be terminated in just a few seconds. Ask them to re-send it when we reappear on the light side. Corfrid: Roger that… err Sir, landing operations will begin before we will be able to receive the message. Johngan: Crud… ah well. We can receive the message when we land. Corfrid: Landing operation beginning now. Johngan: Follow the landing procedure we practiced back on Kerbin. No fancy moves or anything. Corfrid: Copy that sir. Doodfrey: I’m attempting to de-corrupt the file sir. It appears that KSC wanted us to do something. The rest of the message is still unclear though. Something to do with our position… Johngan: They probably wanted us to move closer to it to investigate. And that’s what we’re doing. Corfrid: Horizontal velocity has been killed. We are freefalling now sir. Johngan: Good job. Fuel levels? Corfrid: 60%. Well within expected levels sir. Johngan: Vertical speed? Corfrid: 300m/s. Johngan: I want a nice slow landing. Flare the engine. Corfrid: Flaring. Doodfrey: Wait! Did anyone see that!? Johngan: See what? Doodfrey: I though I saw something out there… A light… Corfrid: It was probably the engine. These things like to spit out all sorts of exhaust. Doodfrey: No… it looked like it came from--- ooph. Johngan: What happened!? Why has the engine stopped!? Corfrid: Throttle un-responsive. Engine failed sir. Beginning reset procedure. Johngan: Use RCS to slow our decent. What’s our altitude? Corfrid: 1200 meters above ground level sir. Johngan: … Ok… everyone make sure your suits are air-tight. You might have to leave the pod. Doodfrey: Sir…? Johngan: Just do it! Corfrid: Reset procedure failed sir. Beginning reset procedure bravo. Johngan: Negative. We don’t have time. I want both of you out of here. Corfrid: Sir? Johngan: Get out of this pod and go into the rovers. They have their own landing engines. You can use them to land safely. Corfrid: And what about you sir? Are you just going to sit here and die? Johngan: No. I’m going to use the RCS. Corfrid: They don’t have the necessary thrust to land this thing. Johngan: I have a plan. Get in those rovers and do it now! Corfrid: No. I’m staying here with you sir. Johngan: I need as little weight on this craft as possible in order to do what I’m planning on doing. So get in those rovers and let me do this. Corfrid: And what is it you plan on doing sir? Johngan: I’m going to fire the ejection pod at the last second. Corfrid: You’ll be burnt up in the explosion from the craft hitting the surface… Johngan: Im going to fire the escape pods thrusters while attached to the landing craft. There won’t be an explosion… hopefully. Now get out! Corfrid:… Aye aye sir. Come on Doodfrey. Corfrid: Now we have to eject these rovers at the same time. Or we will distabalize the craft. Doodfrey: I… I don’t remember how to fly these things... Corfrid: You need to learn quickly then. Type the landing position and speed of landing into the main computer and it will handle everything. Set both position and speed to the following… Corfrid: And eject rover in 3… 2… 1… eject! Doodfrey: AAHHHHH!!! Corfrid: Good luck commander… End of part 1
[1.3.0] Kerbal Engineer Redux (2017-05-28)
Android089 replied to cybutek's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Would it be possible to make the Engineer part (In the VAB) add up the cost of all the parts. Me and my brother want to do a campaign thing but we need some way to tally up the cost. By hand this can take a while and be very very annoying. -
[1.3.0] Kerbal Engineer Redux (2017-05-28)
Android089 replied to cybutek's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Been waiting for this since 0.16 came out. Can't wait to put it to use. -
How did you transfer fuel? Is it a mod? Or just editing the persistence folder?
Just found my first munolith. (Besides the one next to KSC) So I had to take pictures. My mighty ship. Jeb wants all the attention. (Yes that is Jeb) Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Fuel efficient low atmosphere flight to KSC 2.
Android089 replied to Vostok's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
Made it, didn\'t take photos till I actually saw the Kerbal space center. I didn\'t think I would even make it that far. Uploaded with ImageShack.us The last tank had 98kg left. For a total weight of 502kg of fuel used. -
[Stock] [0.14] First Mun Rocket
Android089 replied to Parabellum's topic in KSP1 The Spacecraft Exchange
A few suggestions for you: you only need 1 Advanced SAS. Having more then 1 does not add anything. (Other than weight) Stacking regular SAS does have bonus effects though. And you might want to add some RCS\'s to the second stage. It has the non-gimbaling engines so I can imagine it doesn\'t turn very well. It looks like a good design though. Good luck on your mun mission.