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Crash Tack

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Everything posted by Crash Tack

  1. Yehh I do have some catching up to do... I've not kept up with the behind the scenes stuff. It's Intercept & private division now huh? Hand up, I did have to google that. And yes, I understand early access and play a lot of early access games. They are usually at least playable, considering you have to pay for it. It should come AFTER alpha testing... I wasn't really asking about either of these things though... Why has the game been released in this state? I'm not looking to start an argument here, It's a genuine question.
  2. Really, what the heck happened? KSP2 was slated for release YEARS back. I can understand delays due to covid, or just extra time for development. But what they have released is just... Nothing... This game has been in the works for YEARS, and has nothing. What have they been doing with all that time? I was at least expecting one or two of the much bragged about new features to be present. Base building, or multiplayer, or... well... anything? Underneath the bugs that render the current version damn near unplayable, this barely passes as retexture of the original, with features taken *OUT* and bugs added *IN* Something has gone terribly, terribly wrong here. KSP2 is either the result of MONUMENTAL laziness, or Squad has some serious internal issues going on, forcing them to release the game in this state. This is seriously not even the quality I expect from an early access game, and that's not much. My question is: what happened? Is Squad in trouble? There is a reason for this mess, surely someone knows the story? I'm disappointed in the state of the game, but more than that, I'm worried Squad will never fulfil the potential of KSP2.
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