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  1. Hmm. Its possible I might have found a way past the issue. I do get the error while on the Launch Pad, but if I then go into the HECS module in the Parts Manager, and disable and re-enable it, the module status goes from "No Commnet Connection" to "Disabled", to All Good (dont remember the exact status name). So I think this is just a bug. Maybe this discussion belongs in the bugs section
  2. So I am trying to just build a simple unmanned probe to orbit. Every time I go to the launch pad, I immediately get an error message that says "Vessel lost control due to PartsModule/Command/ControlStatus/NoCommnetConnection" My stack is RA-2 Antenna > HECS > OX-STAT panels (x6) > Z-200 battery > Decoupler > Booster.
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