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  1. If you have a first stage and second stage with each a control unit and the first stage control unit has control for first part of flight. When switching to second stage that has antenna. We get the error that no comm are available.
  2. Light and small Antenna don't stay attach to ship in orbit after reloading the game. Adding the image button does not work. https://ibb.co/WcpCBff I have three of these in orbit and all of them have their light and antenna not attached anymnore. I mean offset but still attached some how.
  3. It's impossible to rename a ship in the Tracking station. When you edit a name the line for KSP change, not the line of the ship you were editing. When you exit the tracking station and come back the KSP line is now back to KSP but the name of the ship still has the old name. Also the name is barely visible when editing.
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