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  1. I just double checked and, you do get another option when you select the move/rotate tool to use a global grid but the global grid doesnt change how the movement of the part works, it still snaps to the same local grid that it usually does.
  2. In KSP-1 when building a craft you could place parts freely, but if you were to use the move or rotate tool on them they would all snap to some form of universal "grid" that was aligned to your craft. This grid was a global grid, but could be toggled to use a local grid aligned to your selected part, using a button below the move and rotate tools. This was a very useful feature for lining objects up in building a craft, which in KSP2 can be somewhat frustrating as things won't rotate quite to 0 using the snap options, or parts wont quite line up end to end. While turning off snapping and moving the parts freely can get you close, its very difficult to do perfectly due to lack of the snapping, or some kind of angle or distance measurement tool to tell you the rotation or location of the object. Perhaps not everyone misses it as much as I do, but I really miss it With the way craft building works in KSP2 I understand it would be more complex since you have multiple crafts in play at once, which are all placed and moved freely, I believe the universal grid should follow the selected craft and probably be set to the anchor part, while the local grid should function how the building does now. It's also possible this whole post is a waste of time because this feature is implemented and I just don't know how to toggle it, in which case, please help
  3. When creating a craft when you attach one wing to another wing, if you turn off the control surfaces of the inner wing, and then modify the extended wings in any way, the control surfaces of the inner wing reappear, these re-appeared control surfaces persist to launch, and seem permanent, unlike some other bugs which are back to normal when you reload the VAB. Wing without control surface; Wing with control surface after editing the attached wing; I only personally tested this on the small wings, I am not sure if other wings do it, but to repeat it all you need to do is: Place a small wing. Turn off control surface. Place another small wing attached to the first. Open the wing editor and edit the second wing in any way. I did test if editing a wing attached to a wing, which is then attached to the root wing would cause the root wing to reset, and it did not. This bug only causes disabled control surfaces to enable, if you customize the shape of the control surfaces it stays saved, it doesn't reset to default. If you disable the control surface after customizing and then repeat the bug, the customized control surface will appear. I posted this on the feedback channel of discord under the title "Wing control surfaces reappear after being disabled if you edit a connected wing"
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