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Posts posted by EngineerinSquid

  1. 1 hour ago, Bej Kerman said:


    I don't see any logically fallacious arguments here.

    it would be under the anecdotal fallacy, that just because something doesnt happen to him then it doesnt happen at all. some people are lucky that they havent had any major game breaking bugs, but many are having them constantly. I still cant use docking ports because as soon as i click undock, the two new vessels suddenly clip into each other and blow up. or even if they dont ill get the crash drum beat sound and the pop up that the vessel crashed when i can still see my two perfectly fine vessels

  2. 8 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    And your point is?  I didn't say they didn't exist, just that they didn't happen to me.  and if they don't happen to me, that only says that they don't happen to everyone.

    In case you can't read, this is an Early Access game.  That not only implies, but specifically states that there are going to be bugs.

    Gamebreaking is dependent on the player, some players can work around bugs, others can't.  Obviously you are in the group which cannot (or is unwilling to) work around bugs.  Others, like myself, can.

    I strongly suggest that you stop complaining about the issues, and either wait for a few updates, or at least provide constructive criticism.  I've seen lots of EA games go through these teething problems, this is one of the very few I've really participated in.

    Not sure why you decided to point at my patreon link.  If you don't like my content, you are free to not use it.  You don't have to watch me, you don't have to use any of my mods, etc.  Doesn't bother me, I don't have an ego involved here, unlike some others I've seen on the forums

    I bring up the patreon link and your content as an example as to how you have a monetary stake in this, which is the reason why you are taking a very elitist attitude in this thread and likely others. A vast majority of these are game breaking bugs, and clearly you dont understand the meaning of game breaking. A bug causing fuel to not stage properly isnt game breaking as there are workarounds, a bug causing the game to think your whole rocket crashed after a stabilizer clipped into a clamp on launch and forcing a ship destroyed screen is game breaking. a bug that could be causing SAS and RCS to not be applying enough torque/thrust isnt game breaking, the game deleting your stations flight path so when you switch back to controlling it, it is now falling straight back down onto kerbin IS GAME BREAKING. Using docking ports on an Apollo style moon lander and having your entire ship blow up from selecting undock EVERY SINGLE TIME IS GAME BREAKING. I have been a part of many other early access games and this is the first one at this high of a price point to have this many issues after what, 5 years in development? 

    The other issue here is that many people only have a few playstyles on KSP that they actually like to play. And the fact that there are this many game breaking bugs at this high of a price point is very disconcerting. especially because this was very much advertised as more of an open beta while it is now clear that it is more of a PRE-ALPHA release. My advice is to stop being so high and mighty and assuming people are unwilling to work around bugs, as many are impossible to work around right now,

    2 hours ago, Jacke said:

    And I do hope they weren't just doing this on the highest end machines; it's long been a staple of proper programming to not use the highest end machines so that issues with the market's equipment will be found during development.

    I wonder if this is the case. I personally have been struggling with the undocking bug where it just blows up your whole ship, and watching through a few prominent youtubers pre release play throughs on the provided high end rigs, I didnt see a single issue with the docking, which seems to be a common occurrence on the forums right now

  3. I had a vehicle making its way into orbit, had a flight path on the map until i decoupled my boosters and didnt look back at the map until my PE under the nav ball had me in orbit. When i looked back at the map that ship no longer had a flight path. manually worked my way into a stable orbit based on the info below the nav ball and left the ship to go back into the VAB. after tooling around in the VAB for a while checked the tracking station and the ship still did not have a flight path, so i took control again of the craft. when i loaded into the ship it now had a PE of -500,000 and was falling 

  4. 5 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    I've run into bugs.  I just don't complain about them the way some people do.  I actually submitted 8 separate bug reports Friday afternoon.

    To address your specific items:

    You just contridicted yourself.  First you say "completely broken", then you say "sometimes".  Please make up your mind

    Ummm, problems, yes.  Completely broken?  Not at all.  There are times it won't save, but then there are plenty of times it does

    Again, I have seen it, but usually it turned out to simply need some more struts.

    I went through about 2 dozen launches.  Didn't see this.  Some more info would be helpful, such as vessel status, orbit, planet, etc.

    This I observed and agree with, based on my own observation.

    Ummm, really?  If I recall, seemed to work for me when I used it.

    Ummm, from what I saw, SAS is overpowered, just like in KSP 1

    Frankly, SAS is so overpowered it's

    Reaction wheels don't have that power.  But this is a game, so I don't complain about that.

    Well, I did several dockings/undocks during a single mission last night.  Didn't see this, although I did hear of it from others.


    Have you submitted any feedback or bug reports yet?  Since this _is_ an EA release, it would only be polite to submit bug reports.

    you can submit a request here: https://support.privatedivision.com/hc/en-us
    or you can post it on the forum and hope that customer support pick it up from there - obviously this path will take longer than submitting your request directly on the website


    Dude you can go look at the bug report threads and see that all of these are very common bugs. Multiples of these and worse have happened to me, and the SAS and RCS bug is a major deal as well. Now I have up to this point just reported them and moved on, but you are being very elitist about this. All you are using here is anecdotal evidence, "Oh IIIII didnt experience this, so your complaints are invalid", a lot of these bugs are gamebreaking to the average player, as not all of us can make content enough to have a patreon link in our forum signature

  5. 19 hours ago, Docker said:

    I've found you need to undock from the docking port attached to the part you're controlling from. If you undock from the other docking port it "destroys" your vessel; they clip through each other and you're left in a state of limbo of controlling two vessels at once while they float past each other. 

    I'll have to try that on my next mission here

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