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  1. Haha zero difference. Oh well. Can we at least talk about how much nicer everything is? or will be when it gets ironed out? OMG the base game is amazing. The ease of part connects, every click (when they work) is better. Things are so clean. I wasn't around playing KSP1 when it was EA, but I've watched it grow over the last half decade. The groundwork that is laid here will be built on so amazingly. I'm glad the haters cant kill this game. I'd hate it if it went the way of cyberpunk because people cant manage expectations.
  2. This.... This is what I just did to be able to play KSP2. I wonder if the Frame rate will get better than the 2080TI let it. Ah just kidding. I bought the card, but I'd play KSP without it. Hoping for an update soon, It's soul crushing to build something over and over just to not be able to launch or glitch out. This probably wont help that, but I'll let you guys know what frames I see on the pad. (truth be told, the game is more fun with the FPS counter turned off)
  3. even letting us sticky the node info.....
  4. What was it causing issues for you? higher part count?
  5. Ughh this is infuriating. I made a station core and got it to orbit, put an arm up in a second launch. Went to intercept them, and when I try to plot a maneuver in map mode, it makes the node, but when I adjust anything, pro, retro, radial etc etc...... it slides, and tells me how much dV for the burn, but doesn't draw a new orbit. So I ran the training wondering if it was locked or something. Nope. still didn't work. So I started a new save and base a basic rocket. put it up and i could map maneuvers just fine. So I thought, ok, just some glitch, so I deleted the old save and kept playing on the one that worked... and I tried it a few more times, no issues. Then I decided to re-make my station core and put it in orbit. And god damn it.... I went to the map not expecting any issue, and damn it. It doesn't work anymore. IS it possible its the higher part count ship breaking everything? When I tried making a simple ship again to test, it works, but when I switch to the larger station from the small ship, it no longer works..... Anyone else have this issue?
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