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Posts posted by sleepy_eb

  1. Long time KSP guy now KSP2 early access guy. I just thought to drop a line that KSP2 Runs lovely on Pop!_OS/steam/wine/proton

    My system info kindly below. Stay wobbly, fellow kerbonauts! To any toe dippers; give it a try!

    OS: Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS x86_64
    Host: B550
    Kernel: 6.8.0-76060800daily20240311-generic
    Uptime: 2 days, 1 hour, 45 mins
    Packages: 2230 (dpkg), 22 (flatpak), 9 (snap)
    Shell: bash 5.1.16
    Resolution: 2560x1440
    DE: GNOME 42.5
    WM: Mutter
    WM Theme: Pop
    Theme: Pop-dark [GTK2/3]
    Icons: Pop [GTK2/3]
    Terminal: gnome-terminal
    CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5700G w/ Radeon Graphics(16) @ 4.673GHz
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER
    GPU: AMD ATI 07:00.0 Cezanne
    Memory: 9684MiB / 31477MiB



  2. Reported Version: v0.1.4.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
    OS: Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS | CPU: AMD® Ryzen 7 5700g | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER | RAM32GB


    My craft will begin to spin uncontrollably when descending towards the mun. Simple craft as per attached image. Please note that this craft is actually still docked together, the gap between docking ports appears once the craft starts spinning.

    This bug occurs once i reach the mun with a fresh revert to launch. May be related to the landing gear phantom forces, but i have not seen anyone else mention forces with rover wheels. Also, these are always deployed, for force just happens at about 10000m Altitude.

    Flatpak steam with proton experimental.


    Included Attachments:


  3. I made a drone ship for deploying small relay satellites throughout the Kerbol system.

    System wide Kerbnet here I come!


    There is a cartridge of 16 relay satellites (ion), as well as a whole bunch of deltaV on the drone ship (nuke)



    Here one satellite is separated from the drone ship



    fires up xenon/electric drive



    deploying solar arrays, hopefully these will still be sufficient way out near Eeloo!



    relay sat deployed :)


  4. Reported Version: v0.1.3.2 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
    OS: Windows 10 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5700G | GPU: RTX 2070 Super | RAM32GB


    After retrograde burn and time warp to new PE, AP and PE markers in UI show zero values. Burning/thrust then has not effect.

    Once this AP PE zero error occurs, the bug spreads to all other flying craft, so switching to control any other craft they all have AP zero, PE zero.

    Im going to repair my installation using the steam launcher to check if this issue still remains. Will report back.


    Included Attachments:



  5. Great update devs, I tested out a few different spaceplane designs over the weekend and they appear to be working much better. Also the FPS is definitely getting better now.

    I'll be keen to test out the SOI hotfix and orbital decay hotfixes if/when they come, as I can't seem to work around those very well at the moment.

    Thanks, keep up the good work.

  6. I can confirm confirm that this, or a similar bug is still present in 0.1.3 on my amd5800G with rtx2060

    My orbital inclination changed during assembly around Kerbin. The first craft was way out of inclination once I had launched the second craft of the assembly making for an interesting rendezvous.

    I did not have the same issue with the third launch to the combined craft. I also lost approximately 8000m/s of deltaV, but the orbit did not get any larger, it only changed inclination.

    My craft was parked in a 90x100km, equatorial orbit.

  7. I can confirm this big is still present in without mods.

    I had this bug happen a couple of times on my trip to Moho today. Interesting, it does not always happen. I have planned several maneuvers which included some normal/anti-normal component that have executed  correctly. 

    Is it just me, or do the trajectory and maneuver bugs appear to be worse interplanetary than they are inside Jool and Kerbing SOI?

  8. This is still happening in release 0.1.2. I have a craft in LKO, I had to add struts to get it to launch as a large docking port was not sufficient to hold a chassis, a monopropellant tank and some RCS ports against gravity.

    A simple fix would be to give the user the ability to disconnect a strut when selecting it in the parts manager. User selects the problematic strut and then have an option "break strut". Perhaps this suggestion is one for the modding community! 

  9. +1 on XavBell's Post

    I'm experiencing the same issue when either taking control of a craft (plane or rocket) when either in orbit or when flying. The issue was not present yesterday when I first installed KSP2, however it is now present for several different craft every time I load. 

    •  My KSP was the current version as of yesterday (25th Feb)
    •  I have tried simpler craft just to confirm the issue is still present and it was.
    • Computer is 5700g CPU with a TITAN X graphics card, 32GB ram - I'm not sure if that helps when bug reporting


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