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  1. I had this happen multiple times already, where the orbits of crafts I am not controlling change whithout any reason what so ever when time warping. In this case the Vessel did not have any fuel nor was equipped with any command module. So far this has also only happened with craft or sebris that were previosly connected to my Veheicle. In the example shown below it was a booster I used to get into orbit, but it can also happen with a mothership when doing an Apollo-Style Mission. Example Video:
  2. The warning that a craft is out of electricity starts spamming when it is at 0 electricity but still gains a little bit of it. I suspect this is because it gains some, but uses it up immediately, then gains it again and so on, causing the warning to trigger evertime it is at 0. This persists even when not controlling a craft and is very annoying. The spam went away after using the boosters of the effectet craft. I think this is because it generated electrcity. Video of the bug:
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