So I'm running a long mission, and due to the bug riddled state that KSP 2 is in I've got it set to unlimited fuel, because I really want to see all the planets and terrain up close. Fantastic textures you guys have got by the way and really loving all the different contextual music.
Anyway, I'm not sure if it's to do with having a flag planted on Eve, or maybe just having 4 flags planted, but the game will not load past "Creating vessel" when loading my saves. Most recent save I can load is final descent into Eve's Atmosphere. For reference, went Mun - Minmus - Gilly - Eve. I have no idea how to determine what the problem is, no errors or anything, just not loading
Would love if there is a solution, coz I want to keep going. Managed to actually get over to Moho before I tried to quickload due to a graphical highlighting error which would have looked sucky in a screenshot