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  1. Version: OS: Win 10 System: I7800k, EVGA 1080 Issue: As the title says my camera seems to be permanently stuck inside a blank VAB. No matter if I start a new campaign, try one of the pre-made vehicles or missions or even launch a vehicle it stays inside that damn VAB. I even uninstalled and reinstalled the game and it's still completely broken. Hell I can't even replay the tutorial missions anymore. I don't think it's too much to ask to at least be able to play a game I spent $50 on? This isn't acceptable, at all early access or not. Screenshots: Inside the VAB: Training Center: Launchpad: Workaround: User Skyphan on Reddit found this solution, big props to them. Delete your "Global" folder in .../AppData/LocalLow/InterceptGames/Kerbal Sapce Program 2/ the AppData folder will be in your /users/ username/ folder
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