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    Star Ship Captain
  1. Patience and concentration, took like 2 minutes once i had the orbit.
  2. No I use vanilla, Mechjeb is cheating to me.
  3. Ya ive been trying ever since i posted this, haha the legs keep breaking xD
  4. Ive seen wobbly orbits, but that only happens when my ship is wobbling because of a rocket not strapped to it, I cant say ive ever seen the physics mess up.
  5. I would love to see this on video, ive never had a shit explode cause my re-entry stage rocket is usually so small that it isnt affected by the high G forces.
  6. Haha good idea Thanks on the grats, but im not sure what you mean by the Kraken though hahaha.
  7. Well I finally after months made both orbits, USING NO MODS. well I started this world 2 hours before this screen shot, but ive been playing for months and achieved Kerbin orbit atleast 10 times, but this is my first Mun orbit! Yes im a noob, just kinda happy I finally made this! Kerbin orbit looks off, its just the angle, the AP and PA are only actually off by 1,000 which is unnoticeable!
  8. Haha alright sounds cool, although i will be using all standard issue parts. Im a vanilla player
  9. Challenge accepted would u like a vid or pics?
  10. Haha nice, ye that took me a few hours.. very frustrating xD
  11. Ive been playing this game for a week now. still haven\'t made it to the mun, but still managed to get an orbit around the sun xD Ive been designing a whole bunch of rockets, but finally actually bought the game yesterday beucase it is on of the realistic/coolest sims ive ever seen. I do have a few contest ideas and ships i may be posting about soon, stay tuned Pvt. Carn signing out
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