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Jamie Wolf

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Posts posted by Jamie Wolf

  1. 4 hours ago, sarbian said:

    BepInEx is a more complete solution with a large community that support it (it is a generic Unity game solution). I would rather see a plugin for BepInEx that adds the KSP specific parts of SpaceWarp.

    I'd second BepInEx, it is a well supported unity loader. Had it been around when the game I primarily mod was around we likely would have used it and added a plugin for the game specific needs instead of making our own loader entirely.

  2. I'd like to see them clarify that position.

    I get the intent is that they would like mods to follow their supplied interface and I think for alot of mods that's probably fine, and allows for mods that are less likely to break between updates.

    however I think there is also alot of benefit to having something like BepInEx also around. Being able to access or modify private members of the game is essential sometimes to provide new mechanics or have mods that increase performance or fix bugs. Yes it's going to make those mods more prone to breaking on a patch, but that's the burden for modders choosing that path

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