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  1. Would be nice to have a little bit of logic for the action menu Example I set an action off with a button and it will trigger a separation wait for a set time then deploy solar panels, antennas etc. another would be trigger abort and it would stage faring's wait for a set time then continue to the next item. A logic block could be nice as well to example I release a satellite from launch vehicle and after a 20 sec timer it would then deploy the set actions. Or I could trigger the block it self to start the logic. This could be built into the command modules instead of a block. Ai or kerbal powered, Could be a nice unlock for science as well
  2. KSP Version On an NVME Operating System and version (Windows 10 on an NVME) CPU AMD 3900X GPU EVGA 2080 Super FTW3 Ram 32GB DDR4 Description of the bug. Staging with space bar stopped working Expected Behavior Press space bar to stage Observed Behavior Does not stage. can still click on the Go button Steps to Replicate Seems to have to do with changing focus from the craft, suck as going to map and back Fixes / Workarounds (N/A) Mods (None) Other Notes (N/A)
  3. KSP Version On an NVME Operating System and version (Windows 10 on an NVME) CPU AMD 3900X GPU EVGA 2080 Super FTW3 Ram 32GB DDR4 Description of the bug. The abort key bind has no option in settings. Expected Behavior Be able to set a key bind for the abort command Observed Behavior No option to set key bind in options Default KSP1 backspace does nothing Steps to Replicate Fixes / Workarounds (N/A) Mods (None) Other Notes (N/A)
  4. KSP Version On an NVME Operating System and version (Windows 10 on an NVME) CPU AMD 3900X GPU EVGA 2080 Super FTW3 Ram 32GB DDR4 Description of the bug. Expected Behavior The maneuver node is able to be created and edited from paused/Time warp 0 Observed Behavior When I pause the game I can not create/edit or do anything with the maneuver node Also after a node is created in any warp other then 0 you can not edit the node the slash key " / " does nothing Steps to Replicate set time warp to 0 buy pressing the Comma key " , " Fixes / Workarounds (N/A) Mods (None) Other Notes (N/A) Windows 10 on an NVME CPU AMD 3900x GPU EVGA 2080 Super Ram 32GB DDR4 and the game is on its own NVME
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