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  1. Regarding the SOI trajectory accuracy thing - There was the warmly (not) accepted change to manuever planner, that is apparently result of rework to make the trajectory prediction more accurate based on TWR change during the burn. So, since they are trying to improve/change that functionality, it may be counterproductive to fix a bug related to trajectory, just before(apart from) reworking the trajectory system. And yeah, it affects the trajectory even without manuever planned as far as I understand, but those two systems may be connected/ worked on simultaneously ... who knows.
  2. I haven't played the game for some time now, don't know much about your mod really. But it does seem sad it is not mentioned at all in this post which is all about bug reporting. On the other hand maybe the post isn't for people who report as best they can, but rather its aimed at people who tend to only say the "Game broken, please fix" part.
  3. I understand the reasoning behind the maneuver node restriction a bit more now. But it definetly needs more work anyway. Are there any plans for automatiic execution of the planned maneuver? Since the current maneuver shows the required burn time at max thrust it is quite unlikely anyone will stop at the exact right time, and even if some kind of lowering the throttle is implemented in the maneuver plan itself it fails on the same manual execution issue. So to solve the manual execution issue the manuever would need to automaticaly dethrottle the engine at a specific point to allow for minimal divergence from the planned path. (accounting for the current maneuver window that shows only remaining time and not dynamic remaining dV) = why not automate the rest then anyway. I don't want to complicate it further - In essence the maneuver planner in KSP 1 allowed players to do the burn as they wanted with the remaining dV information + possibly fix the inaccuracies caused by another far shorter maneuver/burn . In KSP 2 the maneuver planner is supposed to be much more precise but it does that by displaying the burn time at max thrust only - this means that after planning maneuver the player only needs to press "Z" at specific time and then press "X" a bit later and I am not sure how many people like to have to press these buttons when it could be automated while adding even more precision to the execution. Again, especially without the remaining dV info - This is not criticism, just a point to think about/ maybe comment on/discuss for other people. I think planning the maneuver is the more interesting part and the execution just requires few button pushes that I could do without if offered the possibility . (And as a secondary note I am currently spending most time in KSP 1 and will start investing time into KSP 2 once the science mode comes in/ would love the resources as well but that is far off. Since I am more driven by the progression aspect in games rather than exploration. Hence if there are some inaccuracies to my understanding of KSP 2 systems, sorry for those)
  4. I am now playing KSP 1 , just trying out one of the far future engines (I think its from the far future mod, not relevant though) and it requires manual activation a deactivates completely when the throttle is set to minimum. This means that the game can't properly calculate the actual deltaV of the ship = doesn't show any. . So, what I am trying to say. Even if the base game might have some justification for this behavior, I think once someone creates mod with more creative engines, that have modular deltaV under some circumstances (just EC dependency maybe?) this manuever node limitation will become extremely annoying and not at all usefull. (And even warnings might become annoying at that point) So it would be great if it was toggleable somewhere at the very least if it has to be present.
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