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Posts posted by Lordzombieboy

  1. On 2/25/2023 at 5:36 PM, HebaruSan said:

    It's tricky. From what I've seen, getting this into a stable state would mean putting the whole dev team onto bug-squashing duty for quite a while. But that's something you do toward the end of a development cycle when you have all the basic frameworks in place for the completed product. Here, ≥75% of the announced feature set is missing, so they'd be polishing code that might be heavily altered or thrown away when those planned features eventually land.

    So either the playerbase will get the current quality level for a long time while the rest of the meat is put onto the bones over months and years, followed by a fix phase, or the headlining features get delayed even more (as dev time is diverted away from them) and we get frequent regressions of things that were fixed in previous premature fix passes.

    While this is definitely true, I do also think they should give the next couple of weeks to solely fixing bugs, as my game went from just being laggy with the occasional avoidable loading crash on an RTX 3050 (Which I'm completely fine with, still love the game), to being literally completely unplayable as all of my game saves crash upon loading in, never showing a sign of gameplay. I tried to make new campaigns with the same happening. So, while yes they should focus on upcoming major game-changing features, they should also fix the game enough to make it consistently playable so they can get the feedback they need about the features, not the bugs and crashes.

  2. I've tried the first section of tutorials 3 times now and in all three when I finish the first video everything loads great moving to the next tutorial, but once I click "next step" in that one the game starts to load, gets 3 quarters of the way through, then freezes and crashes. I tried a work around by ending the tutorial on the second, then manually loading up the third tutorial in the first section and it works that way, but another 2 loading screens down and it crashes again the same way as before. As I said the work around still works, but it seems a bit odd that the crashing is this consistent. It doesn't seem to crash if the next step is a video, and it usually freezes between 50-60FPS during loading.

    Laptop Specs:

    GeForce RTX 3050

    16 GB 3200MHz SODIMM RAM

    11th Gen Intel Core i5-11400 @ 2.7GHz

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