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    Rocketry Enthusiast

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  1. Here's my current desktop. Going to go full out with Rainmeter soon, so I'll probably post again once I am finished mucking around with it.
  2. He would have used the last of his fuel to perform a powered landing, otherwise no amount of winglets are going to save him.
  3. Scorch


    Welcome Johno from a fellow Aussie. I think you will find there are quite a few of us here.
  4. | / \ / _ \ |.o '.| |'._.'| | | ,'| | |`. / | | | \ |,-'--|--'-.|
  5. People willing to lie will just wait the needed time to make it look like they orbited when they really didn't. What is needed is a end mission screen confirming that they traveled the necessary distance for a full orbit.Not that I'm calling Zeroignite a lier, but his screenshot above my post is exactly what I am talking about. We don't know whether he completed a full orbit of the planet or not, we can't see his distance traveled over ground.
  6. This is my smallest ship that I've been able to achieve orbit with. As you can see, very simple. You have to wrestle with the ship on the way up, but once the SRB's are jettisoned its easy to control the craft. If you have trouble though you can still add a SAS module to the main engine and it still flies very well, making it easier to achieve orbit.
  7. An easy way to deal with Supraluminal's point would be to use a single craft design to eliminate the possibility of rockets that have more fuel, but that would require people to agree on a design.
  8. Shouldn't this be in the spacecraft exchange forum? Not to rain on anyone's parade.
  9. The main issue with the lander is its freaking easy to break off from the rest of the ship, seeing as its a lander it should have much more rigidity.
  10. Landed on the tower with the module. The issue I noticed so far is that the capsule doesn't actually attach to the CM, so if you turn too far it simply pops right off the top of the lander.
  11. I don't believe it is possible to easily change the sky textures just yet no. But don't worry, the current graphics is mostly placeholder at the moment while the under the hood stuff gets done. The game still has a long way to go and graphics will probably remain on the back burner for now.
  12. Where is the download for this hilarious monstrosity? I want to fly the ship that laughs in the face of physics!
  13. While it's a good demonstrator, it's not particularly impressive seeing as it uses the XL fuel tanks. Those things are massively overpowered. They are fun to muck around with though.
  14. I know I'm late to the party but Congratulations Squad! May your Kerbalnauts never return to Kearth! :cheers: :hailprobe: Heres to 500,000 (250,000?)!!!
  15. There isn't really much you can do other than attempting to balance the craft via rockets on the other side of the craft. Adding SAS modules on top of those SRB's should help too. HarvesteR has said that gimbaled rockets to account for assymetry is coming eventually, until then we will have problems with asymmetrical rockets.
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