Sorry if these have been asked/answered previously, but my searches have failed miserably.
Modules. Can we not activate individual modules? For example,
I'm attempting to launch multiple satellites in one launch. They are obviously kinda packed in together closely. Before I decouple just one satellite, I want to activate an individual antenna, as well as individual solar panel. But when I select 1 individually, and activate it, it activates all of them. Then things go very poorly as you can probably imagine.
Is there something different in KSP2? Or are fuel lines just flat out not working properly? I'm attaching fuel lines as I would in KSP1, but they are not transfering fuel as I would expect.
I have fuel lines, going FROM the outside tanks, into the single center tank. But once I've burned through all of that fuel, and seperated the outside tanks, my inner tank is left only half full, as if they fuel wasn't actually being transferred to the center.