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Everything posted by Exorcet

  1. An option to save a procedural wing so it can be quickly copied or added to a new vehicle design.
  2. I didn't see this when I made my own topic on the same subject. Agreed. Wet wings are a necessity. They should be available for all wings because not matter the plane size the wing is still the idea place to store fuel. Like I mentioned in my thread fuel stored in the wings could also be pumped around to cool leading edges and other hot areas.
  3. Agreed, I was about to suggest this myself. It is very common on real aircraft, and obviously very useful.
  4. The procedural wings are a nice change from KSP1, however none of them hold fuel. This is problematic because of the necessary balancing required for flight, and it's opposed to reality where the wings often serve as fuel tanks. Wing area and thickness should be considered in fuel capacity. The fuel could also be used for cooling if we had fuel pump parts that would pump cold fuel to hot areas of the aircraft before sending it to the engines.
  5. This is a carry over issue from KSP1. Aircraft can be very temperamental to fly, especially on the keyboard. KSP also tends to have very harsh induced drag if angle of attack gets too high. If you have an efficient low thrust plane, you may find yourself in a situation where you can't accelerate past a certain speed because the controls are deflected too much and make the plane too draggy. If it was easier to get partial deflection, this would be a problem less often. Another issue is over G. A really agile plane can easily rip itself apart if you pull to hard. There is the deflection limit for control surfaces, but changing these mid flight, especially for multiple surfaces, is not practical for the issues I've outlined. I do not have a perfect solution for this problem, but I do have one suggestion that might be refined into a solution. A Fly by Wire control part. When added to a plane it allows tuning of the controls vs speed/altitude/G load/other factors. This way control surface max deflection can be programmed by an aircraft designer to make flying more predictable. For example, limit control deflection to 20% below Mach 2 and raise it to 40% above Mach 2. Or limit aircraft G load to 4 G, controls will deflect to maximum until that G limit is hit. Simple interpolation between points may also be useful. For example 10% deflection at sea level and 100% at some specified altitude with a linear interpolation or curve between the two end points that continually varies the deflection limit.
  6. Hello, I'd like to make a request for adjustable landing gear length. This is needed because the attitude of the aircraft as it sits on the runway can impact takeoff and landing. A tall nose gear will increase angle of attack, making takeoff easier. A short nose gear will produce negative angle of attack and can assist with landing. Additionally, I find that many of my designs end up with the landing gear being attached at different heights relative to the ground, and they typically need some adjustment to get the correct idle position for the plane. Perhaps we can also have active landing gear that can be adjusted on the runway or in flight as an advanced tech tree item later on. The benefit of such a part would be to allow the takeoff and landing benefits simultaneously that I mentioned. Active landing gear that can change height on demand may also be useful for loading and unloading cargo, and other tasks.
  7. Hello, I have just a simple request for unit change options. I'd like to be able to set KSP2 to output speed in knots or MPH, distance in ft/miles, thrust in pounds, temperature in F. Thanks Edit I'm not sure how this ended up in KSP2 Discussion, I thought I posted it in suggestions. Would it be possible for a moderator to move it? Thanks
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