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Everything posted by FatDABZ4DAYz

  1. welp i bugged it even more lol, when i del about a million lines it crashed the software so i just del the whole save but when i went to another autosave it crashed as soon as it tried to load the save, so reinstall it is
  2. so im currently trying this fix but when i select the 80 million lines of code in Visual Studio Code and press ctrl+x it doesnt delete, same with backspace and delete.... idk how imma manage deleting it all one line at a time now basically
  3. ^^^^ the only thing on the craft that is rotated is the docking ports so I can have 4 of them in one segment for a space station
  4. even on the launch pad with launch bridges it does a wiggle and destroys my craft
  5. it doesn't matter how many reaction wheels i put on or control surfaces while in atmosphere, SAS just goes haywire. from not even able to fly straight in a jet to constantly flipping in orbit with SAS set to prograde, it makes absolutely no sense how something as crucial as mobility mechanics like this were overlooked by the team of testers prior to launch
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