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Everything posted by RobHeffo

  1. @Nate Simpson Looking great, but I feel the Jeb/Val/Tim ordering of the Challenges needs to be reversed. Everyone KNOWS that Jebediah Kerman is the GOAT amongst Kerbals, so it makes sense the hardest challenge of all would be Jeb level! Also maybe an in-game integration to kspbuilds.com would be great, being able to look up, download, and upload builds right from the game!
  2. As a developer myself, I can definitely say that while I am working on some larger bugs, I may need some time to clear my head, so I switch temporarially to some more simple bugs, then come back to the bigger one with a fresh perspective. Also, while you got some team mebers assigned busy working on the bigger bugs, you can have other team members cleaning up the low hanging fruit. After all, getting the issues fixed no matter how big or small is the name of the game.. Then couple that with public expectation... If for example, the team released an update that only resolved the Terrain performance issue, people will be sitting there saying "What?? Is that all you got done!! What have you been wasting the rest of your time on?". This update is a good mix of fixes, I am looking forward to it even though deep down I really want > 2fps trying to launch on my GTX1650. Great work @Nate Simpson and the rest of the team. Pass on my regards!
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