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Posts posted by Gizm0s

  1. 2 hours ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:


    3pm Thursday EST = 12 pm PST.  Subtract 9 hours and 3am PST is certainly unlikely - but some games do update servers at that time.  9pm PST would be late... But still Thursday EST. 


    I explain this for the literal minded - but it was in fact a 'quip' which I acknowledge some find difficult to grasp. 


    Here, then, is a definition:


    1 of 2


    : a clever usually taunting remark : GIBE
    : a witty or funny observation or response usually made on the spur of the moment

    This is such a classic “silly unlearned peasant” forum moment. 

    makes me sad that forums aren’t as popular as they used to be

  2. 6 hours ago, Nate Simpson said:

    This is actually a great question! We have a very strong sense of which bugs affect the gameplay experience the most right now, and those issues have been assigned accordingly. Unfortunately, there is often a correlation between the profundity of a bug and the amount of time it takes to correct. This sometimes has the effect of "low importance" bugs seeming to get fixed on a faster timeline than "game breaking" bugs, and this is interpreted by some observers to mean that those bugs were more important to us. This is not the case. There are many people working on many bugs in parallel, and some of the systems involved are highly complex.

    Damn this guy knows how to spin words.

    Don’t worry, having worked with devs and having a decent understanding of the process, I totally agree with Nate; but damn I could have never responded to such a snide comment with such grace!

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