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  1. Seen this as well, but was assuming that it may have been a know issue since resolution was called out in recommended spec. Side note - using the Nvidia option to scale up from lower resolution really makes a mess of things. Running straight 1080 is really best (even if a frame rate hit)
  2. In short - a succession of boosters that drain in succession and then are jettisoned. It gives very efficient fuel usage. Just look up a YouTube and you'll see. Easier to see than explain...
  3. So was watching some of the tutorials which were pretty fun, but on exiting to main menu found a campaign called TutorialAnimation_Save I'd guess that is saving state between different phases of the tutorial - but ought to be hidden from the user? System: Win10 with 1650 super and an 8 year old i5. (A bit below min spec). It actually does fine with the game. I'm keeping part counts reasonable and game plays well enough (if with low frame rate). Crashes sometimes, but not more than others I think.
  4. Like the title -- I launched a probe with solar array (no RTG) and ion engine. When the batteries drained, the craft stutters when it is deprived of energy - but if under timewarp will still produce thrust without draining Xenon. Was able to use this to circularize around Eeloo.
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