KSP Konstellations is a tool that you can use to calculate various data to help you build your dream satellites constellation.
If you need to make a constellation of satellites cause you lost twice connection with you're probe on Eeloo or you just want to challenge your friend Elon you need to know how to proceed.
You need 2 orbits, the final orbit (red) where all the satellites will circularize one by one, and the transfer orbit (blue) where the main stage is gonna drop a satellite every period (or more).
All the required things you need to know are the number of satellites, the final orbit, and the celestial body orbited.
KSP Konstellations will provide you the following pieces of information:
Transfer orbit periapsis
Both orbits periods
Drops frequency, meaning how many periods you need to wait before dropping the next satellite (usually 1)
The required antenna to handle the connection between the satellites (only the relays ones)
KSP Konstellations will also provide some warnings if necessary:
If the transfer orbit is crossing other body's orbits (SOI or body)
If the final orbit is too close and communications will be blocked by the body
If the final orbit is too high and no antennas can handle the distance between 2 satellites
Then you'll just have to head to the body, set you're main vessel to the transfer orbit and start dropping satellites, and burning prograde for each one until you've reached the final orbit. (circularization)
An example using Eeloo
Download from here: https://github.com/PurrfectBoots/KSP-Konstellations/releases/latest
Source code: https://github.com/PurrfectBoots/KSP-Konstellations
License: MIT
This is my first project related to KSP (and my first time here on the forums!), my goal is to conduct a little project on my side and if you guys enjoy it and if it's really useful I'll make other tools like this.