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10 Good
  1. True. But just because there are said to be 2 QoL patches before new mechanics come into the game it doesnt mean there cant be 125 Bugfix patches aswell. :-) I am pretty sure this will be a bugfix patch and no QoL Patch. I dont see the first QoL-Patch being delivered for at least 2 months. But then again I have zero insight into their development schedule, their cycle etc. Its just guesstimating stuff.
  2. My observation for KSP2 right now is that the gameplay is bug ridden, but most (not all, mind you) can be worked around. I am looking forward to the first patch and the ones following. I am optimistic that they will make the game a lot more stable/better rather quickly. With all the big bugs out of the picture I can see the game becoming great already making the creation of crafts a lot less finicky and prone to breaking the game or save. Then the devs can focus more on devloping the next big step which has to be science/career mode to give the player a purpose apart from exploration/craft building with no limits. So overall I am very optimistic looking forward as long as this first patch delivers some good fixes. As a Dev myself (though not games but aerospace) I think Nate's decision to not pump out 20 Hotfixes to fix one issue but create 30 new issues is a sound and responsible decision.
  3. I suppose it'll take a good chunk of the year to accomplish, but in the end may very well be worth it. I trust them being able to deliver the new tech. Companies have swapped gfx engines already in the past.
  4. Imagine getting your jimmies rustled because some early access game is buggy and the patch takes more than 2 weeks. smh
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