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  1. Inspecting and extracting the assetbundles with tools like works fine AssetStudio or the Unity Asset Bundle Browser tool works fine, but I don't really get how the bundling of the assetfiles works. I'm interested in creating/editing some partfiles. Seems like the part definitions are rather similar to ksp1 Saw that Space-Warp has some support to load Assetbundles but in the mods currently out there it is only used for the UI elemets and I'am not that sure if and how it would work for parts. I thought it wouldn't that hard to edit existing ones and saw that the medium size nuclear engine is included but currently hidden. In it's json file it has the "oabEditorCategory" property set to "NONE" and for all other useable parts it is set to "VAB". So it looks promissing that it could be activated by changing the property and repack it in the old bundle or otherwise in a new one and load it with a mod. Also all necessary information to create some of the future interstellar engines is included in the files so it would be possible to create them. Only the ressource definitions for antimater and helium are missing. Is there any easy way (or a good guide to do similar) to bundle custom partfiles or edit existing ones in bundles?
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