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Posts posted by KerbalServer.com

  1. 15 hours ago, ShadowDev said:

    2. Self-Hosting: The KSP community has shown immense interest in self-hosting multiplayer servers, an option that allows players to host games on their hardware, be it a colocated server or a spare laptop. This fosters a sense of community, allowing us to manage our own multiplayer experiences, set our own rules, and cater to a variety of play styles.

    By imposing DRM, there's a possibility that we lose the freedom to self-host. This restriction can limit our multiplayer experience to official servers only, possibly subjecting players to overcrowding, latency issues, and limitations on customization. In effect, the personal, curated multiplayer experience that many players value would be jeopardized.

    Imagine Minecraft with the only multiplayer option being realms.  

    In addition to this, having no self hosting option will limit the games lifespan. When Intercept games/Private division/Take 2 decides after 5 - 10 years that the cost is too high to keep the servers running we will lose a big part of the game.  

    The addition of multiplayer functionality in KSP2 is undoubtedly one of the most anticipated and significant enhancements compared to the original KSP1. Personally, I'm eagerly looking forward to experiencing multiplayer in any form it takes!

    I wholeheartedly support the concept of self-hosted KSP2 servers... obviously. Self-hosting will provide an opportunity for everyone to participate, fostering the growth of a vibrant community. Moreover, self-hosting will attract a diverse range of curious and unique players, injecting new perspectives into the game. By enabling players to create and customize their own servers, KSP2 can truly live on indefinitely, offering an infinite variety of configurations and gameplay possibilities.

  2. From VAB to launchpad loading has greatly improved.
    Return to VAB from launch / launchpad is still a bit slow.
    Great new docking part additions!
    Overall rocket control has improved.
    Unable to rename crafts.

    Thanks for the update! Love the game.

  3. Hello! Checked out your website and I like it.
    I would also, as previously suggested, optimize the image loading. Did take a couple seconds for all the images to load.
    Don't see a reason to include the right-side news / updates, but informative nonetheless.

    Also wanted to possibly make a connection here.
    Currently I'm in the works of also making a KSP2 resource website.
    This will advertise KSP2 multiplayer game servers, including multiple variants of my own (stock, w/Mods, co-op?).

    Here's the website "for now": www.KerbalServer.com
    Placeholder for what is to-come 

  4. Thanks for fixing the "m" key within the VAB.
    It was a bit difficult to build "m k2" vessels.
    VAB scroll, view, and view movability is also much easier and responsive.

    Looking forward to future updates!
    Thanks KSP team!

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