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  1. Can you point out the bragging part ? I stumbled upon that forum quite accidentally and it seemed ok place to post my theory . Dont have to worry about censorship or it being taken down from there . I got banned from discord and many other places because of having unpopular opinion about covid but lets not get into that. Reply much appreciated ! That theory is a swiss cheese and thanks for pointing out the possible holes in it. I thought i mentioned in there that very large jets shooting out from the center of galaxy creates new galaxy but jets happening inside spiral galaxy will produce cometary knots of smaller size that break down into star systems. I think Newton was right when he pointed out that energy/pressure cant be neither destroyed or created,only transformed/converted from one wavelengths to other,or from one medium to other etc. The torus in the center of each spiral galaxy is the transformer that breaks down the concentrated pressure areas/elements.The bigger/heavier the element the bigger the amount of pressure it contains.And when it is ripped open in accreation disk it will expand. If you look at it through particle or aether model,result is rather same . Stuff gets unpacked in accreation disk and that stuff will demand more space for itself. So that when jets get created and in the end point of that jet it will get packed together (if the jet is made from hydrogen as you pointed out then hydrogen fusion,followed by alpha process that is followed by triple alpha process). When the jet slams into itself ,like an outstretched rubber band folds into itself,thats when heavy elements get created,aka supernova ,small areas of pressure get concentrated into small space. Thats the only kind of "supernova" i tend to believe. If it is the oldest star on the edge of an non-spiral galaxy then in 99% of times we are looking at an end point of astrophysical jet and all the interstellar medium next to it came from it. think Zwicky was wrong about "the dunky matter",what are supernovae and neutron stars . I do suggest to take a look at the universe through this point of view where all white dwarves,red giants,magnetars/pulsars and neutron stars and their collisions are all end points of astrophysical jet at different stages. When they are on the same plane than us and pointing at us then we dont see the jet behind them . And that should also be taken into consideration when flipping through different images of universe - are they composition of different telescopes (radio and x-ray for example) then we might be looking at 2 different phases of jet's end point overlapped.Its like 2 images taken some time apart overlapped. And also where its pointing ,how much of information comes to our direction and how much of it might be going in some other direction.Like in case of pulsars we would need an enormous antenna to capture its full wavelength for it to stop being a pulsar because we only capture a part of the radiowave that got created by the spinning jet. It gives such an logical explanation to most mysteries of space so thats why i think more people should take a look at this model.Like why red giants throw their atmosphere out non-symmetrically (jet entering triple alpha collision phase) or why neutron stars "explode" non-symmetrically (jets starting point and end slamming together) etc. 5 years ago i started playing Kerbal and shortly after i started to learn alot about universe,history of rocketry etc.I watched almost all Scott Manly videos at some point lol .I went through history of space exploration,history of rocketry ,history of science etc.Took quite some time to get accustomed to electricity,history and both particle and aether model.Kerbal and its mods ,specially KSPIE helped alot.It takes 20 minutes to launch my game because of all the mods but it is worth it .Just to show that im no stranger to kerbal,only to it's community.Still many gaps to fill in my pool of knowledge so thats why constructive critisism and help with this theory is very much appreciated. I dont get to use internet much these days so it might take some time until i reply .And thats why this reply also took some time.Sry abot that.
  2. Hello ! Couple years ago i figured out something about space (partly thanks for KSP) and i ended coming up with an model of universe. So i would appreciate alot if someone took a look at it and would give their opinion. I originally posted it over here https://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?120650-Alternative-theory-of-the-universe registration not needed to read the topic. Or should i really copy-paste it all here ? Pretty much explains how the cycles of galaxies/universe happen and gives some explanation to some other mysteries ,like where and how nucleosynthesis of elements happens. Constructive critisism would be very much appreciated .
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