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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. So far I have been playing and observed 4 types of objects: Flags, ships, debris and satellites. In the tracking center GUI, I saw a tab at the top for space stations. I have built a small space station in game and I was wondering how I change it from a ship to a space station. Should I change the persistent.sfs under the Vessel { type = or is there a way to do it in game without "cheating?" Edit: answered. Thank you!
  2. A suggestion I'd like to see someone do with this signature is have a couple more indicators. Like the red and blue arrow but for each point of interest. Basically one that says you landed on said thing and the other arrow that says you made it back from said thing safely.
  3. Well, I came up with a fix for my problem, I went into the config of the rcs tank and made it mount radially so I can mount them lower than the final stage.
  4. An idea for everyone who is worried about how the game is going to change, save your old versions.
  5. I wish that was the case, I even tried changing the order that I placed them. Even in the stages during assembly and launch, changing anything doesn't change the drain order when I tried. I read in the change log that lower placed tanks drain first. I don't really have a clue on how I can move the spare tanks lower than the shuttle without changing the shuttle's COG. I'm not sure where I saw radially mounted RCS tanks drain first. Edit: the picture is smaller than I expected, the top RCS tank is on the external fuel tank, the other is under the shuttle.
  6. Well, with the update, I was able to make a successful shuttle that I can take off and land with. I have attached a picture, the first and biggest issue is that the RCS system drains from the outside radially mounted tanks first. I want the RCS to drain the tanks from the external fuel tank then from the orbiter. Putting fuel lines on the RCS tanks doesn't change anything. The second issue that is just an annoyance, the landing gear always starts extended and sometimes it will break the external fuel tank and the orbiter in half before I can retract them.
  7. I do hate the beatles. I don\'t particularly like nickleback, just some of their songs are good to me. The beatles sound like justin beeber to me with their stupid high pitched voices. Really though it\'s high pitched and has an annoying accent. The content of their songs isn\'t any better, I never heard one that I thought was worth listening too. Speaking of accents though, for the double-whammy and at the risk of setting someone\'s brain on fire, I don\'t like Pink Floyd either.
  8. Do you launch things into space? Do the things launched cost a lot or are filled with precious cargo? Then you probably want them back at your base! Now introducing the Mk 2 Recovery Craft! Featuring: A lower center of gravity. Twice the number of claws for easier pod recovery. Large RCS thrusters for accurate placement and acquisition with the claw. Requires: Mechjeb Damned Aerospace Damned Robotics And the landing. Introducing the not very stable Recovery Craft! It is the almost ideal tool to go get pods and other lost parts from just about anywhere. With a high thrust to weight ratio you can probably pick up just about anything! Order yours now! Warning, not liable for loss of parts, Kerblins or buildings. Or law suits resulting of aforementioned incidents. Note: Nothing was staged, I landed a pod in the water and flew this (small)monster over and grabbed the pod.
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