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  1. You are great. Thank you very much for the clue. I have not even considered this variant. The graphics problems really only occur in the tutorial. In the "normal" game the background is displayed correctly.
  2. The graphics of the background in the game is displayed with errors on my PC system. About 2/3 of the screen is disturbed with green, red and blue stripes. It is also not due to the screen, because the phenomenon occurs on different screens. Even with different settings the problem could not be solved. Otherwise, the game runs smoothly and well. Additional information: - KSP Version: v0.1.1.0 - Windows 11 - CPU i7-9700k, GPU Nvidia RTX2080S - No mods installed Screenshot: ( https://imgur.com/a/I1QNfxJ)
  3. Good day I have a problem with the graphics resolution in KSP2. As you can see in the following screenshot, at the edge of the screen is no longer a correct resolution of the sky (background). https://imgur.com/a/xS4SOgN My screen has an optimal resolution ovn 3840 x 1600. In KSP2 I have tested any graphics resolution, but I do not get an acceptable result. Can you give me some help? Best regards Graphics card supplement. My PC is equipped with an RTX2080S. Even when I play KSP2 in fixed mode (on a size defined by KSP2), I have the same problems.
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